Mark Webber is Professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham. Formerly the Head of the Department of Politics, History and International Relations at Loughborough University, he was also the Head of the School of Government and Society at Birmingham from 2011 – July 2019. He has been a Trustee of the British International Studies Association (BISA) since 2014, BISA Chair, 2019 – 2020, and is BISA Honorary President. Mark is a NATO specialist and a one-time scholar of Russia and the former Soviet Union. Recent work in these areas has been published in the journals International Affairs, European Journal of International Security, Review of International Studies, European Security, West European Politics, and Journal of European Integration. He is co-editor (with Adrian Hyde-Price) of Theorising NATO: New Perspectives on the Transatlantic Alliance (Routledge 2016) and is currently completing aco-authored book (with James Sperling and Martin Smith) entitled What’s Wrong with NATO and How to Fix It.He is also co-editing (with James Sperling) the (Oxford) Handbook on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Mark teaches a Masters module on global politics and has been involved for ten years in organising student delegations attending the annual International Model NATO in Washington DC.