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Constance Harsh

Professor of English at Colgate University, USA. Her main fields of research are nineteenth–century literature, British fiction of the 1890s, and late Victorian publishing and reviewing practices. She is the author of Subversive Heroines: Feminist Resolutions of Social Crisis in the Condition–of–England Novel (University of Michigan Press, 1994), and the editor of A Sunless Heart, an 1894 novel by Edith Johnstone (Broadview, 2008). She has published close to a dozen pieces on Gissing, including articles in «ELH», «SEL», «Victorian Newsletter», «Gissing Journal». Her most recent publications are: “Fantasies of Recuperation in Eve’s Ransom” in Eve’s Ransom: George Gissing e le sfide del romanzo tardo–vittoriano (Aracne, 2010), “Gissing and Religion” in Writing Otherness: The Pathways of George Gissing’s Imagination (Equilibris, 2010), and “Gissing and Women in the 1890s” in George Gissing and theWoman Question. Convention and Dissent (Ashgate, 2013). Recently she served for two years as Interim Dean of the Faculty and Provost at Colgate.
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