Veronica Olariu
Veronica Olariu is a Researcher at the Department of Dialectology and Sociolinguistics, the “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology – the Iaşi Branch of the Romanian Academy, Romania. She defended her doctoral thesis, in 2003, in the field of biblical philology, with the title Studiu lingvistic asupra textului „Bibliei de la Sankt Petersburg” (1819) [A Linguistic Study upon the Text of the “Bible from Sankt Petersburg”(1819)]. She is a member of the Romanian projects: Noul Atlas lingvistic român, pe regiuni. Moldova şi Bucovina [The New Romanian Linguistic Atlas by Regions. Moldavia and Bukovina], the fundamental research theme of the Romanian Academy, and Atlasul lingvistic audiovizual al Bucovinei [The Audio-Visual Linguistic Atlas of Bukovina], a pilot-project for Romanian geolinguistics. Her main research topics are: geo- and sociolinguistics, biblical philology, the history of the Romanian language and lexicology.
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