Eric Goldemberg dirige il MONAD Studio insieme a Veronica Zalcberg. Lo studio di progettazione si occupa di percezione spaziale in relazione all’influenza ritmica, con ricerche che spaziano dalla scala urbana agli edifici, dal paesaggio alle installazioni e al design. I progetti di MONAD Studio evidenziano la gamma e la complessità delle sensazioni coinvolte nella costruzione di insiemi ritmici. È attualmente digital design coordinatore e docente alla Florida International University.
Goldemberg is an architect, with a professional degree from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. In New York he worked as senior designer for Peter Eisenman and Asymptote Architecture. Eric is the co-founder of MONAD Studio, an award-winning architecture practice focused in spatial perception related to rhythmic affect, with a variety of explorations ranging from the scale of urban plans to buildings, and from landscape to art installations, product design and music instruments that enhance social interaction.Eric is Associate Professor and Digital Design Coordinator at Florida International University in Miami, and he is the author of the book “Pulsation in Architecture” which highlights the range and complexity of sensations involved in constructing rhythmic ensembles.His work has been published in New York Times, BBC, The Guardian, Le Monde, Forbes, FOX News, CNBC, Discovery Channel, CCTV, National Geographic, CNET, Gizmodo, Architectural Record, World Architecture, Architectural Digest, Architectural Design, Architecture in Formation, Encoding Architecture, SUMMA and Evolo.MONAD Studio’s unique 3D-printed music instruments, sonic installations and sculptures have been exhibited and played live at MoMA, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Javits Center and Metropolitan Gallery (New York); Jaroslava Fragnera Gallery (Prague); GEEK PICNIC Technology Festivals in Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Russia); Chengdu World 3D Print Expo & Conference (China); South Florida Art Center, NOW Contemporary Art, Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts Gallery (Miami). MONAD Studio’s solo show at Jewish Museum of Florida – FIU was featured as one of the main attractions of Art Basel’s Art Week. Eric’s collaboration project with bionic pop artist Viktoria Modesta and interactivity designer Anouk Wipprecht was featured in a technology documentary by Autodesk and the resulting 3D-printed prosthetic, sonic body wearables were used in performance by Modesta at New World Symphony and VICELAND (Miami) during Art Basel.